László Bárczay, Dortmunder Schachtage, 1982 (Gerhard Hund).
Rest In Peace. |
László Bárczay (21/02/1936 – 07/04/2016) foi um grande-mestre de xadrez húngaro. Nas Olimpíadas de Xadrez de 1966, em Havana, ele obteve 10 vitórias e 2 empates em 12 jogos, contribuindo para a medalha de bronze obtida pela equipe húngara, e ganhando uma medalha de ouro individual. Em 1967, ele foi agraciado com o título de grande-mestre. Faleceu no mês passado, aos 80 anos.
(László Bárczay (21/02/1936 – 07/04/2016) was a Hungarian chess Grandmaster. At the 1966 Chess Olympiad, in Havana, he achieved 10 wins and 2 draws in 12 games, contributing for the bronze medal winning Hungarian team, and winning an individual gold medal. In 1967, he was awarded the Grandmaster title. He passed away last month, aged 80.)
László Bárczay vs Erdely, Hungria, 1975. Código FEN: 2r4k/3r1p1p/1p2pP2/p2pPp1P/P2P1Q2/6R1/4B1PK/2q5 w - - 0 1. |
As Brancas jogam e vencem. Qual é o movimento-chave?
White to play and win. What is the key move?)
The best move is 1 Rg8+!!. If 1 ... Rxg8 then 2 Qxc1 wins the exchange. If 1 ... Kxg8 White forces checkmate with 2 Qg3+ Qg5 3 Qxg5+ Kf8 4 Qg7+ Ke8 5 Qg8#.
ResponderExcluirPerfect, Jake!!
ExcluirThe key move is 1. Rg8+!!
ResponderExcluirTo avoid losing the Queen, Black plays 1. ... Kxg8?, but...
2. Qg3+!! Qg5
3. Qxg5+ Kf8
4. Qg7+ Ke8
5. Qg8#
So, Black has to sacrifice the Queen by playing 1. ... Rxg8
2. Qxc1, and White has a great material advantage.