segunda-feira, 30 de maio de 2016

Xadrez - Arturo Pomar

RIP, Arturo Pomar Salamanca.
01/09/1931 - 26/05/2016.

Arturo Pomar Salamanca, nascido em 1º de setembro de 1931, foi um jogador de xadrez espanhol. Ele foi o primeiro enxadrista espanhol a ser agraciado com o título de Grande-Mestre. Foi campeão espanhol de xadrez sete vezes (1946, 1950, 1957, 1958, 1959, 1962 e 1966). Infelizmente, ele faleceu na última quinta-feira, 26 de maio de 2016.

(Arturo Pomar Salamanca, born on 1 September 1931, was a Spanish chess player. He was the first Spanish player to be awarded the title of Grandmaster. He was Spanish Chess Champion seven times (1946, 1950, 1957, 1958, 1959, 1962 and 1966). Unfortunately, he passed away on last Thursday, 26 May 2016.)

Arturo Pomar Salamanca vs Klaus Viktor Darga, Enschede (Holanda), 1963.
Código FEN: r1b2rk1/pp1n1pbp/2pp1np1/4p3/2PPP3/2N1B1PP/Pq2NPB1/R2Q1RK1 w - - 0 11.

No diagrama acima, as Pretas acabaram de capturar o Peão em b2, com a Dama. Qual é o melhor lance para as Brancas?

(In the diagram above, Black just captured the Pawn on b2, with the Queen. What is the best move for White?)

Aos 12 anos de idade, Arturo Pomar empatou uma partida com Alexander Alekhine, tornando-se o jogador mais jovem da história a empatar com um Campeão Mundial reinante. Seu recorde ainda permanece.

(At the age of 12, Arturo Pomar drew a game with Alexander Alekhine, becoming the youngest player ever to draw with a reigning World Champion. His record still stands.)


6 comentários:

  1. White's best move here is 1 Rb1!!, attacking the queen and cutting off the queen's retreat via the b-file. The only safe move left for the queen is 1 ... Qa3, after which White plays 2 Qa4!!, forcing Black to exchange queens.

    1. I also thought about 1. Rb1, but there is a better move...

    2. Hint: the best move is so subtle that I find it hard to believe Arturo actually found it during the game.

      What a brilliant chess player this Spaniard was!

    3. a3!! The idea is that the black Queen will not have b6 as a refugee due to dxe5 and the discovered attack by the e3 bishop and the attack on the knight on f6. Also, a3 opens the a2 square for a rook attack on the Queen on b2, that could be combined, in some lines, with Na4 also threatning the Queen on b2.

      In summary, after a3 the Black Queen is lost, and the game as well.

  2. Well done, Gustavo! 1. a3!! is the winning move in this position.

    A possible continuation is:
    1. a3!! exd4
    2. Bxd4 Nc5
    3. Nd5 Qb3
    4. Nxf6+ Bxf6
    5. Bxf6 ...

    The material advantage will be enough for a win.

  3. The actual game continued this way:
    11. a3!! exd4
    12. Bxd4 Nc5
    13. Nd5 Qxd4
    14. Ne7+ Kh8
    15. Nxd4 Bd7
    16. Nb3 Nxb3
    17. Qxb3 Rae8
    18. e5 dxe5
    19. Qb4 e4
    20. Rad1 a5
    21. Qd6 Be6
    22. Qc7,

    when Klaus Viktor Darga finally resigned.



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