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Valery Kirillov, Grigory Popov, SuperProblem, 23/07/2017. Código FEN: 8/K1R5/8/pkpN4/p1p2p2/n1p5/P1P1Pb2/1r6 w - - 0 1. |
domingo, 7 de abril de 2019
Xadrez - Mate em 16! (Kirillov, Popov)
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White would love to play 1 Sxc3+?, but after 1 ... Kb4 2 Sd5+ Kb5 3 c3? (threat 4 Se7 and 5 Rb7 mate) Bh4! White has nothing. White must decoy the bishop somehow, and he pulls it off by starting with 1 Se7! (threat 2 Rb7 mate). The only defense is 1 ... Kb4, after which comes 2 Sc6+ Kb5 3 Sb8 (threat 4 Rb7 mate) Kb4 4 Sa6+ Kb5. Now White plays 5 e3! threatening 6 Rxc5 mate. Black must capture the pawn with 5 ... Bxe3, after which the bishop can no longer access the h7-e4 line in one move. The bishop has successfully been decoyed, so White resets the knight with 6 Sb8 (threat 7 Rb7 mate) Kb4 7 Sc6+ Kb5 8 Se7 (threat 9 Rb7 mate) Kb4 9 Sd5+ Kb5. Now the mainplan works: 10 Sxc3+ Kb4 11 Sd5+ Kb5 12 c3! (threat 13 Se7 and 14 Rb7 mate). Since the bishop can no longer defend adequately Black must play 12 ... Sc2 allowing the a4-pawn to move forward which would give the king a flight square. However, this move also allows 13 a3! (threat 14 Se7 and 15 Rb7 mate) which re-immobilizes the pawn. There are four variations:
ResponderExcluir13 ... Rd1/Rg1/Rh1 14 Se7 Rd6/Rg6/Rh6 15 Rb7+ Rb6 16 Rxb6
13 ... Sb4 14 Se7 Sc6+ 15 Rxc6 any 16 Rb6
This is an example of the Dresden theme where a "good" defense from one black unit is replaced by a "bad" defense from another black unit.
Well done, Jake. Again, amazing detailed solution!
ExcluirI made a mistake, though. I said "h7-e4 line" but meant "h4-e7 line".
ResponderExcluirTrue. Now it is 100% correct. 🎯