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Vladimir Kovalenko, SuperProblem, 21/05/2016. Código FEN: 5R2/1p6/1B6/6p1/1P4pb/6pq/4K1kp/7b w - - 0 1. |
terça-feira, 2 de abril de 2019
Xadrez - Mate em 19! (Vladimir Kovalenko)
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This one's EASY.
ResponderExcluirFirst off, the white king "climbs the stairs" to b5, utilizing three Indian maneuvers:
1 Ke3 Kg1 2 Kd3+ Kg2 3 Kd4 Kg1 4 Kc4+ Kg2 5 Kc5 Kg1 6 Kb5+ Kg2
Then the bishop gets out of the way of the b-pawn, forcing it forward by zugzwang:
7 Ba7! b6
(This is why the king had to go to b5 first: to keep the b-pawn from advancing two squares.)
Then the rook gets into position:
8 Rf5 Kg1
Then the king returns to e2 via the same route it took to get to b5, doing three more Indian maneuvers:
9 Bxb6+ Kg2 10 Kc5 Kg1 11 Kc4+ Kg2 12 Kd4 Kg1 13 Kd3+ Kg2 14 Ke3 Kg1 15 Ke2+ Kg2
The last four white moves are made by the rook, consisting of the final two Indian maneuvers:
16 Rc5 Kg1 17 Rc3+ Kg2 18 Re3 Kg1 19 Rxg3
Eight Indian maneuvers in all, and the final position is a double check.
As usual, well done, Jake!! Amazing explanation!
ExcluirThe try 1. Ba7? doesn't work due to 1. ... b5!
ResponderExcluir1. Ke3!! Kg1 2. Kd3+ Kg2 3. Kd4 Kg1 4. Kc4+ Kg2 5. Kc5 Kg1 6. Kb5+ Kg2 7. Ba7!! b6 8. Rf5!! Kg1 9. Bxb6+ Kg2 10. Kc5 Kg1 11. Kc4+ Kg2 12. Kd4 Kg1 13. Kd3+ Kg2 14. Ke3 Kg1 15. Ke2+ Kg2 16. Rc5!! Kg1
Now two moves work, with the same idea:
17. Rc3+ Kg2 18. Re3! Kg1 19. Rxg3#
17. Re5+ Kg2 18. Re3! Kg1 19. Rxg3#
Keywords: Stairway, Indian maneuver.