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Karl Fabel, Problem (Zagreb), 1951. Código FEN: 8/1p1p2p1/5p1p/5P1P/1p1p1P2/pP1P1P2/P1k1B3/4K3 w - - 0 1. |
terça-feira, 23 de abril de 2019
Xadrez - Mate em 82! (Karl Fabel)
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I've seen quite a few examples of long more-movers where the king makes tempo moves, and now a couple where the queen makes the tempo moves, but this one must be the first where a bishop makes the tempo moves! In the solution below, the tempo moves are marked with exclamation points.
ResponderExcluirIn this problem, White's aim should be to force all the pawns to move forward. But first, White must force the king into the corner:
1 Bf1 Kc1 2 Bh3 Kc2 3 Ke2 Kc1 4 Bg2! Kc2 5 Bf1 Kc1 6 Ke1 Kc2 7 Be2 Kc1 8 Bd1 Kb2 9 Kd2 Kb1 10 Bc2+ Kb2 11 Kd1 Ka1
Then White maneuvers the king and bishop until the black king is immobilized in the corner, thus forcing Black to move a pawn:
12 Kc1 Kxa2 13 Bd1 Ka1 14 Be2 Ka2 15 Kc2 Ka1 16 Bf1 Ka2 17 Bh3 Ka1 18 Bg2! Ka2 19 Bf1 Ka1 20 Be2 Ka2 21 Bd1 Ka1 22 Kc1 Ka2 23 Bc2 Ka1 24 Bb1 b6
The above 13-move sequence is then repeated four times, with the only thing different each time being the black pawn move at the end:
37 ... b5 50 ... d6 63 ... d5 76 ... a2
Now White mates in six:
77 Bc2 g6 78 hxg6 h5 79 g7 h4 80 g8(Q) h3 81 Qg1 h2 82 Qxd4
Note: The first four black pawn moves can be made in any order.
As previously, I have ignored all non-full-length variations.
Well done, Jake!!
ExcluirAs usual, brilliant detailing of the solution.
Actually, there is a slight error. Here's the corrected solution:
Excluir1 Bf1 Kc1 2 Bh3 Kc2 3 Ke2 Kc1 4 Bg2! Kc2 5 Bf1 Kc1 6 Ke1 Kc2 7 Be2 Kc1 8 Bd1 Kb2 9 Kd2 Kb1 10 Bc2+ Kb2 11 Kd1 Ka1 12 Kc1 Kxa2 13 Bd1 Ka1 14 Be2 Ka2 15 Kc2 Ka1 16 Bf1 Ka2 17 Bh3 Ka1 18 Bg2! Ka2 19 Bf1 Ka1 20 Be2 Ka2 21 Bd1 Ka1 22 Kc1 Ka2 23 Bc2 Ka1 24 Bb1 b6 25 Bc2 Ka2 26 Bd1 Ka1 27 Be2 Ka2 28 Kc2 Ka1 29 Bf1 Ka2 30 Bh3 Ka1 31 Bg2! Ka2 32 Bf1 Ka1 33 Be2 Ka2 34 Bd1 Ka1 35 Kc1 Ka2 36 Bc2 Ka1 37 Bb1 b5 50 ... d6 63 ... d5 76 ... a2 77 Bc2 g6 78 hxg6 h5 79 g7 h4 80 g8(Q) h3 81 Qg1 h2 82 Qxd4
Note: The first four black pawn moves can be made in any order.