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Grigory Popov, SuperProblem, 09/11/2016. Código FEN: 4b3/8/3p2P1/3p1p2/N1pPkp2/1pP2p2/3K1P2/8 w - - 0 1. |
quarta-feira, 3 de abril de 2019
Xadrez - Mate em 24! (Grigory Popov)
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If it weren't for the d6-pawn, White could mate in one with Sc5. But the knight can't deal with it directly, because the b3-pawn will promote to a knight with check. Sure, White could immobilize it with Sb2, but he still has to deal with the bishop. White solves all of these problems by playing 1 g7! which threatens 2 g8(S) and 3 Sf6 mate. Black has but two defenses, and the better of the two is 1 ... Bf7 (1 ... b2 gets Black mated four moves early). White then immobilizes the black pawn with 2 Sb2! The bishop is tied to defending g8, so all it can do is mark time. Meanwhile, the white king marches around the kingside to d6 and then back to d2:
ResponderExcluir3 Ke1 4 Kf1 5 Kg1 6 Kh2 7 Kh3 8 Kh4 9 Kg5 10 Kf6 11 Ke7 12 Kxd6 13 Ke7 14 Kf6 15 Kg5 16 Kh4 17 Kh3 18 Kh2 19 Kg1 20 Kf1 21 Ke1 22 Kd2
(The black moves are not given due to the bishop needing to guard g8.)
White now threatens 23 Sa4 and 24 Sc5. After the bishop moves to either d7 or e8 (depending on where it ended up on move 22), White plays 23 g8(S) and 24 Sf6.
Well done, Jake!! Thank you again for your amazingly detailed explanation!
ExcluirThe Pawn on d6 is stopping the checkmate, so let's remove it...
ResponderExcluir1. g7!! Bf7 2. Nb2! Be6 3. Ke1 Bf7 4. Kf1 Be6 5. Kg1 Bf7 6. Kh2 Be6 7. Kh3 Bf7 8. Kh4 Be6 9. Kg5 Bf7 10. Kf6 Be6 11. Ke7 Bf7 12. Kxd6! Be6 13. Ke7 Bf7 14. Kf6 Be6 15. Kg5 Bf7 16. Kh4 Be6 17. Kh3 Bf7 18. Kh2 Be6 19. Kg1 Bf7 20. Kf1 Be6 21. Ke1 Bf7 22. Kd2!
22. ... Be6 23. Na4 ~ 24. Nc5#
22. ... Be8 23. g8=N!! ~ 24. Nf6#
Keywords: King walk, Underpromotion.