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Valery Kirillov, Grigory Popov, Olimpiya dünyasi, 2013. Código FEN: R7/2p5/1b3K2/2B4k/8/3P3n/3PppNp/5r2 w - - 0 1. |
sábado, 13 de abril de 2019
Xadrez - Mate em 17! (Kirillov, Popov)
2 comentários:
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The knight, bishop, and rook need to work together for the mate, but the trick is getting them into position without allowing black shenanigans. Here's how:
ResponderExcluir1 Se3! (threat 2 Rh8 mate) Kh4 2 Sf5+ Kh5 3 Rh8+ Kg4 4 Rg8+ Kh5 5 Se3 (threat 6 Rh8 mate) Kh4 6 Rg4+ Kh5 7 Rg7 (threat 8 Rh7 mate) Kh6 8 Sg4+ Kh5 9 Se5 (threat 10 Rh7 mate) Kh4 10 Rg4+ Kh5 11 Rg8 (threat 12 Rh8 mate) Kh4 12 Sf3+ Kh5 13 Kf5! (threat 14 Rh8 mate) Kh6 14 Bf8+ Kh7 15 Rg7+ Kh6 16 Rxc7+/Rd7+/Re7+ Kh5 17 Rh7
Well done, Jake!!
ResponderExcluir1. Ne3!! (threat: 2. Rh8#)
1. ... Kh4 2. Nf5+!
Black has two options. One leads to mate in move 16, the other leads to mate in move 17.
2. ... Kg4 3. Rg8+!
3. ... Kf4 4. Be3+! Bxe3 5. dxe3+! Kf3 6. Rg3#
3. ... Kf3 4. Rg3+! Kf4 5. Be3+! Bxe3 6. dxe3#
3. ... Kh5 4. Ne3 (threat 5. Rh8#) Kh4 5. Rg4+ Kh5 6. Rg7!
6. ... Kh4 7. Ng2+ Kh5 8. Kf5 Kh6 9. Bf8 Bd4 10. Rf7+ Bg7 11. Rxg7 Ng5 12. Rf7+ Kh5 13. Rf6 Nf7 14. Rxf7 ~ 15. Rh7#
6. ... Kh6 7. Ng4+ Kh5 8. Ne5!
8. ... Kh6 9. Rg6+!
9. ... Kh7 10. Nf7 Rg1 11. Rh6+ Kg8 12. Rh8#
9. ... Kh5 10. Bf8 Be3 11. dxe3 Kh4 12. Nf3+ Kh5 13. Kf5 ~ 14. Rh6#
8. ... Kh4 9. Rg4+ Kh5 10. Rg8 Kh4 11. Nf3+ Kh5 12. Kf5 Kh6 13. Bf8+ Kh7 14. Rg7+!
14. ... Kh8 15. Ne5 ~ 16. Nf7# (if 15. ... Ng5 16. Ng6#)
14. ... Kh6 15. Rf7+ Kh5 16. Rh7#
Now, Black's 2nd move which leads to mate in move 17:
2. ... Kh5 3. Rh8+ Kg4 4. Rg8+! (here we reach the exact same position as above, but one move later)
4. ... Kf4 5. Be3+! Bxe3 6. dxe3+! Kf3 7. Rg3#
4. ... Kf3 5. Rg3+! Kf4 6. Be3+! Bxe3 7. dxe3#
4. ... Kh5 5. Ne3 (threat 6. Rh8#) Kh4 6. Rg4+ Kh5 7. Rg7!
7. ... Kh4 8. Ng2+ Kh5 9. Kf5 Kh6 10. Bf8 Bd4 11. Rf7+ Bg7 12. Rxg7 Ng5 13. Rf7+ Kh5 14. Rf6 Nf7 15. Rxf7 ~ 16. Rh7#
7. ... Kh6 8. Ng4+ Kh5 9. Ne5!
9. ... Kh6 10. Rg6+!
10. ... Kh7 11. Nf7 Rg1 12. Rh6+ Kg8 13. Rh8#
10. ... Kh5 11. Bf8 Be3 12. dxe3 Kh4 13. Nf3+ Kh5 14. Kf5 ~ 15. Rh6#
9. ... Kh4 10. Rg4+ Kh5 11. Rg8 Kh4 12. Nf3+ Kh5 13. Kf5 Kh6 14. Bf8+ Kh7 15. Rg7+!
15. ... Kh8 16. Ne5 ~ 17. Nf7# (if 16. ... Ng5 17. Ng6#)
15. ... Kh6 16. Rf7+ Kh5 17. Rh7#