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John Augustus Miles, Mercury and Weekly Courier, 1889. Código FEN: n2r4/Kp5n/2NN2pQ/2k5/P2p4/3R4/1P4Bb/2r5 w - - 0 1. |
Um problema muito difícil: as Brancas jogam e dão xeque-mate em 2 lances!
(A very hard problem: White to play and give checkmate in 2 moves!)
1 Rxd4!! 1-0
ResponderExcluirThreatens Nxb7# and Qxc1#.
1 ... g5 2 Nxb7#
1 ... Ng5 2 Nxb7#
1 ... Bf4 2 Nxb7#
1 ... Rc moves 2 Nxb7#
1 ... Rb8(or Rd7) 2 Qxc1#
1 ... any other move 2 N(x)b7(or Qxc1)#
1- Qe3 dxe3 2- b4#
ResponderExcluirExcellent, Rodrigo! 1. Qe3!! is the unbelievable key move.
ResponderExcluirPossible lines:
1. Qe3!! dxe3
2. b4#
1. Qe3!! Rc4
2. Nxb7#
1. Qe3!! Rb1
2. Qxd4#
1. Qe3!! Rxd6
2. Qxc1#
Jake, the "problem" with 1. Rxd4 is 1. ... bxc6, which delays checkmate in one move:
1. Rxd4 bxc6
2. Qxc1+ Kxd4
3. Qc3#