Paul Morphy vs Samuel Boden, Londres, 1859. Código FEN: 2r1r3/p3P1k1/1p1pR1Pp/n2q1P2/8/2p4P/P4Q2/1B3RK1 w - - 1 0. |
As Brancas jogam e dão xeque-mate em 4 lances!
(White to play and give checkmate in 4 moves!)
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Paul Charles Morphy (June 22, 1837 – July 10, 1884) was a very strong American chess player. He is considered to have been the greatest chess master of his era and an unofficial World Chess Champion. He was a chess prodigy, and was called "The Pride and Sorrow of Chess", because he had a brief and brilliant chess career, but retired from the game while still young.
ResponderExcluirHe began playing chess tournaments in the United States in 1857, beating almost every opponent that he faced. He then travelled to Europe and won many chess games against strong local players, proving that he was indeed the best player in the world. Back to the USA, in 1859 he decided to abandon chess forever.
During those 3 years, Paul Morphy's brilliant mind produced some of the most beautiful chess jewels of all time.
1 f6+!! 1-0
ResponderExcluir1 ... Kg8 2 f7+!! any 3 Qf6#
1 ... Kh8 2 g7+ Kg8 3 f7+ Kxg7 4 Qf6#
Well done, Jake.
ResponderExcluir1. f6+!! is the key move that Paul Morphy played.
The main line is:
1. f6+!! Kh8
2. g7+ Kg8
3. f7+ Kxg7
4. Qf6#