Paulo Cezar Filho, Jornalheiros, 2014. Código FEN: 8/2N3Bp/1p1p3P/1nk1Np2/6P1/4P3/p7/Q1K5 w - - 0 1. |
As Brancas jogam e dão xeque-mate em 4 lances!
(White to play and give checkmate in 4 moves!)
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Another surprisingly easy puzzle, Paulo. You're losing your touch. XD
ResponderExcluir1 Qxa2!! (2 Qc4#) 1-0
1 ... Na3?? 2 Qxa3#
1 ... d5 2 Qxd5+ Kb4 3 Qc4+
(3 ... Ka3 4 Nxb5#)
(3 ... Ka5 4 Nc6#)
Another line:
ResponderExcluir1 Qxa2!! (2 Qc4#) Kb4 2 Qc4+
(2 ... Ka3 Nxb5#)
(2 ... Ka5 Nc6#)
Sorry, Jake, that is not the solution. Maybe this problem wasn't that easy. :P
ResponderExcluir1. Qxa2 wins the game, but if Black plays the best moves, it takes 5 moves, not 4.
You missed 1. ... dxe5:
1. Qxa2 dxe5
2. Qd5+ Kb4
3. Bf8+ Nd6
4. Bxd6+ Kc3
5. Nb5#
There is one better move, which leads to mate in 4... ;)
1 Bf8!! 1-0
ResponderExcluirPins the d-pawn, preventing ... dxe5.
1 ... Na7??/Nc3??/Nd4?? 2 Q(x)c3#
1 ... Na3? 2 Qc3+ Nc4 3 Qxc4#
1 ... Nxc7 2 Qc3+
(2 ... Kb5 3 Qc4+ Ka5 4 Nc6#)
(2 ... Kd5 3 Qd4+ Ke6 4 Qxd6#)
1 ... Kb4 2 Qxa2!!
(2 ... Nc3?? 3 Bxd6#)
(2 ... Kc5?? 3 Qc4#)
(2 ... Na3 3 Bxd6+)
((3 ... Kc3 4 Nd5#))
((3 ... Ka4/Ka5 4 Qxa3#))
(2 ... Na7/Nxc7/Nd4 3 Bxd6+ Kc3 4 Qc4#)
(2 ... f4/fxg4 3 Qc4+)
((3 ... Ka3 4 Nxb5#))
((3 ... Ka5 4 Nc6#))
1 ... f4/fxg4 2 Qxa2!! (3 Qc4#)
(2 ... Na3?? 3 Qxa3#)
(2 ... Kb4 3 Qc4+)
((3 ... Ka3 4 Nxb5#))
((3 ... Ka5 4 Nc6#))
Well done, Jake.
ResponderExcluir1. Bf8!! is the only move that forces checkmate in 4 moves.
If Black captures the Knight on c7:
1. Bf8!! Nxc7
2. Qd4+!! Kb5
3. Qc4+ Ka5
4. Nc6#
If Black moves the King to b4:
1. Bf8!! Kb4
2. Qb2+!! Ka4
3. Qxb5+ Ka3
4. Bxd6#
1. Bf8!! Kb4
2. Qb2+!! Ka5
3. Qxb5#
1. Bf8!! Kb4
2. Qb2+!! Kc5
3. Qxb5#
If Black advances the f5-pawn:
1. Bf8!! f4
2. Qxa2!! Kb4
3. Qc4+ Ka3
4. Nxb5#
1. Bf8!! f4
2. Qxa2!! Kb4
3. Qc4+ Ka5
4. Qxb5#
1. Bf8!! f4
2. Qxa2!! fxe3
3. Qc4#
1. Bf8!! f4
2. Qxa2!! f3
3. Qc4#
1. Bf8!! fxg4
2. Qxa2!! Kb4
3. Qc4+ Ka3
4. Nxb5#
1. Bf8!! fxg4
2. Qxa2!! Kb4
3. Qc4+ Ka5
4. Qxb5#
1. Bf8!! fxg4
2. Qxa2 g3
3. Qc4#
Other moves lose immediately:
1. Bf8!! Na7
2. Qd4#
1. Bf8!! Na3
2. Qd4#
1. Bf8!! Nc3
2. Qxc3#
1. Bf8!! Nd4
2. Qxd4#