Oskar Blumenthal, Deutsches Wochenschach, 1914. Código FEN: B7/8/8/8/5K1p/6Bk/7N/8 w - - 0 1. |
As Brancas jogam e dão xeque-mate em 4 lances!
White to play and give checkmate in 4 moves!)
Oskar Blumenthal, Deutsches Wochenschach, 1914. Código FEN: 1B6/8/8/5K1p/6Bk/7N/8/8 w - - 0 1. |
As Brancas jogam e dão xeque-mate em 4 lances!
White to play and give checkmate in 4 moves!)
Oskar Blumenthal (13/03/1852 - 24/04/1917). |
Oskar Blumenthal é o brilhante criador destes problemas gêmeos. Ele compôs centenas de problemas de xadrez. Já publiquei
um mate-em-2 de sua autoria, aqui. Ele também era dramaturgo e crítico de teatro. Hoje, ele celebraria seu 165º aniversário.
Oskar Blumenthal is the brilliant creator of these twin problems. He has composed hundreds of chess problems. I have already published a mate-in-2 composed by him, here. He was also a playwright and theater critic. Today, he would celebrate his 165th birthday.)
In both solutions White's aim is to avoid stalemate while allowing Black as little freedom as possible.
ResponderExcluirThe first part of the problem is solved by 1 Bf2! (waiting), sacrificing the knight. Black's only legal move is 1 ... Kxh2, after which 2 Kg4 immobilizes the king, forcing 2 ... h3. Then 3 Kf3 forces 3 ... Kh1, and then 4 Kg3 mates with a discovered check.
The second part is solved by 1 Bh2! (waiting) which leaves the g4-bishop en prise from the h5-pawn and immobilizes the king, forcing 1 ... hxg4. The rest of White's moves keep the king immobile: 2 Sf4 g3 3 Bg1 g2 4 Bf2.
I will conclude by pointing out that both mating positions are model mates, which is probably the whole point of the problem, along with the fact that the key for each part is a sacrifice.
(Many of the nineteenth-century multi-movers ended in mating positions that were model or ideal mates.)
Well done, Jake. And thank you for another detailed explanation.