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Alexander Dmitrievich Petrov, Shakhmatny Listok, 1863. Código FEN: 1n3r2/4b2n/b2pB3/1p6/2pNNp2/p7/1k1K4/5R2 w - - 0 1. |
quinta-feira, 11 de janeiro de 2018
Xadrez - Mate em 11! (Alexander Petrov)
9 comentários:
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Is this the Alexander Petrov of the famous Petrov Defense?
ResponderExcluirYes, this is the famous Petrov. :)
ExcluirThe Petrov Defense is the symmetrical opening:
1. e4 e5
2. Nf3 Nf6
It was first popularized by Alexander Petrov, the most important Russian chess master of the 19th century, and author of this post's problem. :)
I love playing the Petrov Defense.
ExcluirI especially enjoy the grimaces in my opponent's face, when they realize I moved "the wrong" Knight. 😂
The Petrov Defense is indeed a good option if you want to escape the Ruy López and its variations.
ExcluirAnd if you know the variations in the Petrov, you will likely gain an advantage, as few players know how to play it well.
ExcluirAn example of an online game I recently won with the Petrov Defense:
Excluir1. e4 e5
2. Nf3 Nf6
3. Bc4 Nxe4
4. Qe2 d5
5. Nxe5 Be6
6. Bb3 Be7
7. d3 Nd6
8. O-O O-O
9. f4 c6
10. Qh5 f6
11. Nf3 Nd7
12. g4 Qb6+
13. Kh1 g6
14. Qh3 h5
15. f5 hxg4
16. Qxg4 Bxf5
17. Qg3 Rf7
18. Bf4 Ne5
19. Nxe5 fxe5
20. Bxe5 Be4+!!
What a beautiful chess game! :)
Excluir1 Sc3! (threat 2 Rb1 mate) a2 2 Ra1 (threat 3 Rxa2 mate) Ka3 3 Sc2+ Kb3 4 Rxa2 (threat 5 Ra3+ Kb2 6 Sd1+ Kb1 7 Ra1 mate) Bf6 (not 4 ... d5? 5 Ra1 (threat 6 Rb1 mate) Ba3 6 Rxa3+ Kb2 7 Sd1+ Kb1 8 Ra1 mate) 5 Ra3+ Kb2 6 Sd1+ Kb1 7 Bxc4 (threat 8 Bxa2 mate) bxc4 8 Sc3+! Kb2 (not 8 ... Bxc3+? 9 Kxc3 any 10 Ra1 mate) 9 Ra2+ Kb3 10 Kc1 any 11 Ra3
ResponderExcluirWell done, Jake!!