Imants Dulbergs, Memorial Petrov, 1975. Código FEN: 1nrbB3/1bkqpP2/pNprp3/K1NpRp2/1PpP1P2/2P1P3/8/8 w - - 0 1. |
quinta-feira, 18 de janeiro de 2018
Xadrez - Mate em 18! (Imants Dulbergs)
10 comentários:
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ResponderExcluirIf it were Black's turn, White would give checkmate in the next move:
Excluir1. ... Ba8 2. Nxa8#
1. ... Qxe8 2. fxe8=N#
All we have to do is to get to the same position (or almost the same position) again, with Black to move...
I didn't calculate it yet, but I think I know what to do.
ExcluirAnd wow, this is brilliant!
Yes, this is a brilliant problem. :)
Excluir1. Na4 Ba8
Excluir2. Nb2 Bb7
3. Nd1 Ba8
4. Nf2 Bb7
5. Nh1 Ba8
6. Ng3 Bb7
7. Nh5 Ba8
8. Ng7!!
The Knight travels around the board to assume the Pawn's role...
8. ... Bb7
9. f8=N!! Ba8
10. Nh7 Bb7
11. Ng5 Ba8
12. Nh3 Bb7
13. Nf2 Ba8
14. Nd1 Bb7
15. Nb2 Ba8
16. Na4 Bb7
17. Nb6!! Ba8
18. Nxa8#
... and the Pawn travels around the board to assume the Knight's role!!!
This is teamwork!!!
That's it!!
ExcluirFantastic work, mister Dulbergs!
Gostaria de lhe desafiar a um match online. Não sei se lembra de mim.
ExcluirOzymandias, eu jogo no Meu login lá é o "pcfilho".
ExcluirThe full solution of the problem:
ResponderExcluir1. Nba4!!
1. ... Qxe8 2. fxe8=N#
2. ... Ba8 2. Nb2!!
2. ... Qxe8 3. fxe8=N# (this threat will always appear, so it will be omitted from now on)
2. ... Bb7 3. Nd1!! Ba8 4. Nf2!! Bb7 5. Nh1!! Ba8 6. Ng3!! Bb7 7. Nh5!! Ba8 8. Ng7!! Bb7 9. f8=N!!
9. ... Qxe8 10. Nxe8# (the threat continues, now with the Knight on g7 - Black is forced to keep swinging the Bishop)
9. ... Ba8 10. Nh7!! Bb7 11. Ng5!! Ba8 12. Nh3!! Bb7 13. Nf2!! Ba8 14. Nd1!! Bb7 15. Nb2!! Ba8 16. Nba4!! Bb7 17. Nb6!! Ba8 18. Nxa8#
great problem! It is an amazing artwork!!