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Leonid Antonovich Isaev, Tijdschrift van den Nederlandschen - Schaakbond, 1927. Código FEN: 5R2/6P1/2p1PNpB/K1Q1N1rP/1R1rbk1b/2np1p1B/3pn2P/8 w - - 0 1. |
terça-feira, 30 de janeiro de 2018
Xadrez - Mate em 2! (Leonid Isaev)
3 comentários:
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In the diagram, there is a half-pin on the fourth rank; if either the d4-rook or e4-bishop moves, the other of the two will be pinned. White exploits this half-pin with the self-pin 1 Qd6! which guards e5 from another direction and thus threatens to fire the R+S battery on the f-file with Sd5 (the key also creates a Q+S battery along the d6-f4 line). The bishop can defend by vacating e4; both of these bishop moves unpin the e5-knight. Additionally: 1 ... Bd5 interferes with the d4-rook's control of d6 and thus allows White to safely unpin said rook (and fire the Q+S battery) with the self-interference 2 Sc4 (this kind of unpin is called a Goethart unpin); and 1 ... Bf5 selfblocks, allowing White to fire the Q+S battery with 2 Seg4. 1 ... Rxd6 keeps the e5-knight pinned but self-pins the e4-bishop, and the threat-battery fires with 2 Sg4.
ResponderExcluirWell done, Jake!!
ExcluirTry: 1. Neg4? (threat: 2. Nd5#)
ResponderExcluir1. ... Bf5 2. Qd6#/Qe5#
But 1. ... Bd5!
Key move: 1. Qd6!! (threat: 2. Nd5#)
1. ... Ke3 2. Ng4#
1. ... Rxd6 2. Ng4#
1. ... Bf5 2. Neg4#
1. ... Bd5 2. Nc4#
1. ... Rd5+ 2. Nxd5# (the same as the threat, embellished with a check)