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John Denis Martin Nunn, The Problemist, 1991. Código FEN: B2n4/7p/4p2p/4P1np/k1KP3p/8/1P2p3/4Bb2 w - - 0 1. |
quarta-feira, 24 de janeiro de 2018
Xadrez - Mate em 24! (John Nunn)
5 comentários:
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Hint, please!
ResponderExcluirA Bishop must be very patient...
ExcluirI think I have it.
ResponderExcluirThe light-squared bishop must move back and forth between a8 and h1 because any other bishop move gets it captured, and while this is going on, Black must move the pawns on the h-file, because moving anyone else gets Black mated quickly. Here's the solution:
1 Bh1! (waiting) h3 2 Ba8 h2 3 Bh1 h4 4 Ba8 h1 (any) 5 Bxh1 h3 6 Ba8 h2 7 Bh1 h5 8 Ba8 h1(any) 9 Bxh1 h4 10 Ba8 h3 11 Bh1 h2 12 Ba8 h1(any) 13 Bxh1 h6 14 Ba8 h5 15 Bxh1 h4 16 Ba8 h3 17 Bh1 h2 18 Ba8 Sb7 19 Bxb7 (threat 20 Bc6 mate) h1(Q) 20 Bxh1 Bg2 21 Bxg2
21 ... Se4 22 Bb4 (threat 23 b3 mate)
_22 ... Sd6+ 23 exd6 any 24 b3/Bc6
_22 ... Sd2+ 23 Bxd2 e1(any) 24 Bc6
21 ... Sf3 22 Bb4 (threat 23 b3 mate)
_22 ... Sxd4 23 Bc6+ Sxc6 24 b3 (or 23 b3+ Sxb3 24 Bc6)
_22 ... Sxe5+ 23 dxe5 e1(any) 24 b3/Bc6
_22 ... Sxd2+ 23 Bxd2 e1(any) 24 Bc6
Well done, Jake!!
ExcluirThis Bishop swings from a8 to h1 and back during 18 consecutive moves! Wow!