domingo, 5 de março de 2017

Xadrez - Mate em 3! (Aleksandr Galitzky)

Aleksandr Galitzky, Shakhmatnyy Zhurnal, 1900.
Código FEN: 7k/4K1pp/7N/8/8/8/8/B7 w - - 0 1.

Um problema belíssimo: as Brancas jogam e dão xeque-mate em 3 lances!
(A very beautiful problem: White to play and give checkmate in 3 moves!)

Aleksandr Galitzky, Shakhmatnyy Zhurnal, 1900.
Código FEN: 7B/8/8/8/8/N7/pp1K4/k7 w - - 0 1.

Como se não bastasse, giramos o tabuleiro, e novamente: as Brancas jogam e dão xeque-mate em 3 lances!
(As if it were not enough, we rotate the board, and again: White to play and give checkmate in 3 moves!)

Aleksandr Galitzky
(05/03/1863 - 18/11/1921)

Este é o autor desta obra de arte: Aleksandr Galitzky, problemista russo, considerado um gênio da composição de xadrez. Hoje ele celebraria seu 154º aniversário.)
(This is the author of this artwork: Aleksandr Galitzky, Russian problemist, regarded as a genius of chess composition. Today he would celebrate his 154th birthday.)


4 comentários:

  1. The theme is stalemate avoidance for both parts, as in each case Black has no legal move in the diagrammed position.

    The first part is solved by 1 Bf6! (waiting) gxf6 2 Kf8 f5 3 Sf7.

    The second part is solved by 1 Kc3! (waiting), with the variations 1 ... b1(Q) 2 Sc2+ Qxc2+ 3 Kxc2 and 1 ... b1(S) 2 Kc2+ Sc3 3 Bxc3. If you count the short mates 1 ... b1(R) 2 Sc2 mate and 1 ... b1(B) 2 Kc2 mate, this part's an Allumwandlung.

    1. As usual, well done, my friend Jake.

      Thank you for posting such a detailed explanation of this beautiful problem/solution. :)

      I learn a lot from your solutions.

  2. The solutions:

    First diagram:
    1. Bf6!! gxf6 2. Kf8!! f5 3. Nf7#

    Second diagram:
    1. Kc3!!
    1. ... b1=Q 2. Nc2+ Qxc2+ 3. Kxc2#
    1. ... b1=R 2. Nc2#
    1. ... b1=N+ 2. Kc2+ Nc3 3. Bxc3#
    1. ... b1=B 2. Kb3#

  3. Two notes about this amazing problem:

    - the author's name is sometimes spelled Aleksandr Vasilevich Galickij.

    - probably without knowing Galitzky's problem, Georg Albert Becker published, in Badische Neueste Nachrichten, in 1954, a mirrored version of it (FEN: k7/pp1K4/N7/8/8/8/8/7B w - - 0 1).
    The solution would be 1. Bc6!! bxc6 2. Kc8!! c5 3. Nc7#
    In the second diagram (FEN: B7/8/8/8/8/7N/4K1pp/7k w - - 0 1), the solution would be:
    1. Kf3!! g1=N+ (1. ... g1=Q 2. Nf2+ Qxf2+ 3. Kxf2#) 2. Kf2+ Nf3 3. Bxf3#


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