Allan Bell, The Problemist, 1990. Código FEN: 1rr4Q/pRP1P1PN/1RB1P1n1/q6k/3PK1np/8/1p1N3b/2Bb4 w - - 0 1. |
(This problem is famous for one special reason... White to play and give checkmate in 6 moves!)
Allan Bell, The Problemist, 1990. Código FEN: 1rr4Q/pRP1P1PN/1RB1P1n1/q6k/3PK1np/8/1p1N3b/2Bb4 w - - 0 1. |
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I just solved it, wow!!
ResponderExcluirOne of the most unbelievable chess problems I have ever seen.
What an artwork!
I'm glad you enjoyed it. :)
ExcluirI wonder where you find these awesome chess problems.
ExcluirThe sources of the problems I post are:
Excluir- books;
- websites;
- databases (especially YACPDB);
- newspapers.
The others are the ones I compose by myself (of course, those with less quality and beauty).
What's special about this problem is that every white move (including the mating move) is a double check.
ResponderExcluir1 Sf6++ Kg5 2 Sf3++ Kxf6 3 g8(S)++ Kxe6 4 Bd5++ Kd7 5 cxb8(S)++ Ke8 6 Sf6#
Well done, Jake!! :)
ExcluirAs noted by Jake, the problem has an "all-double-checking" solution, but it's not only that.
ExcluirThis problem currently holds the world record as the longest direct mate problem with an all-double-checking solution!
1. Nf6+!! Kg5
2. Nf3+!! Kxf6
3. g8=N+!! Kxe6
4. Bd5+!! Kd7
5. cxb8=N+!! Ke8
6. Nf6#