Paulo Cezar Filho, Jornalheiros, 06/11/2017. Código FEN: 8/2b5/8/4p3/8/8/p7/k1K3B1 w - - 0 1. |
As Brancas jogam e dão xeque-mate em 6 lances!
(White to play and give checkmate in 6 moves!)
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Well, there is one set mate: 1 ... e4 2 Bd4 mate. Some thinking will be required to come up with the rest, however.
ResponderExcluirThe only possible way to checkmate is to gain control of the great diagonal (before Black does it, of course)...
ExcluirThe key 1 Bh2! pins the e5-pawn. Black can't move the pawn because of 2 Bxb8 and 3 Be5 mate. Also, the bishop is tied to the pawn's defense now because otherwise White has Bxe5 mate. If 1 ... Bd6 then 2 Kc2 prevents bishop checks; regardless of how Black moves the bishop White's next two moves will be 3 Bg3 and 4 Be1 (threat 5 Bc3 mate). Black will then be forced to move the bishop onto the white bishop's line to stop immediate checkmate, and then White has 5 BxB and 6 Bc3. After 1 ... Bb8 either 2 Kc2 or 2 Bg3 will achieve mate on move six.
ResponderExcluirWell done, Jake! That's it!
ExcluirIn order to win, White needs to place his Bishop on "c3", before Black does.
ResponderExcluir1. Bh2!! is the key move, pinning the Pawn on "e5". Some possible continuations:
1. ... Bd6 2. Kc2!! Bc7 3. Bg3 Bd6 4. Be1 Ba3 5. Bc3+ Bb2 6. Bxb2#
1. ... Bb8 2. Kc2!! Bd6 3. Bg3 Bc7 4. Be1 Ba5 5. Bxa5 e4 6. Bc3#
1. ... Ba5 2. Bxe5+ Bc3 3. Bxc3#
1. ... e4 2. Bxc7 e3 3. Be5#